My week.......
Quite a story huh...well the nurse told me it seems like everything is going wrong, but it happens to almost everyone. I hope this is true because if not, I am doomed.
Oh My GOODNESS, Bre....that is horrible. I am so sorry you are having problems. And, I am so sorry to hear this happens to "almost everyone"...eeeks.....were you back on the 3d floor of the women's hospital again?
Did Dr. O do drains on you? Dr. Houston didn't on me....I am having trouble, though. That pain to the right of my belly button that was suppos'd to "be gone" w/in two weeks is worse than ever. My incisions are all looking really good (except for one, they are barely noticable), but the PAIN (and I mean, doubled over intense pain) I am feeling just to the left of my belly button is getting so much worse every day. I could hardly stand up straight today. My husband says I have to call Dr. Houston on Monday---but I feel like a whimp.....I guess I should, just in case.
I sure hope you get better soon!!! I am sorry you have had so much trouble. Hang in there...xo, Micheala.
No he did not do drains. All the other incisions look good, but one. It was a little sore and all the sudden within one day it grew and grew. So he opened it and I am cleaning at home, but it is funny how much better I feel now. My hubby is like yours, 'call the doc'. Aren't we lucky to have man-moms looking after us? :)
Hope yours turns out ok.